Fees and Applications


Request Type Fee
Data and Mapping Request $100 / hour
Minor Subdivision (Lot Splits) - Deed Review and Stamping $150 / deed
Major Subdivision and/or Subdivision Improvement Plan (SIP) $500 / lot
Planned Development Concept Plan $3,000
Major Amendment to Planned Development Concept Plan $3,000
Planned Development Final Development Plan $1,500
Zoning Map Amendment $1,500
Zoning Text Amendment $1,500
Zoning-Related Notwithstanding Ordinance $1,000
Local Historic Designation $1,500
Copy Printing Fee $.05 (8.5x11 or 11x17)
Plot Printing Fee $38 (24x36) + $2.90 per addt'l. sq. ft.


Division of Land Application

Zone Change Application Packet*

Zoning-Related Notwithstanding Ordinance Application*

Local Historic Designation Application Packet*

*Applicants for certain types of City Business—including zoning changes, zoning text or map amendments, or any items that require City Council approval—will be required to complete the City Business Disclosure Form pursuant to Cincinnati Municipal Code Chapter 119.  More information is available on the City Business List webpage.