Salary History Working Group

Purpose: To assist and advise on the implementation of Ordinance 342020

Number of Appointments: Two members shall be appointed by the Mayor and the remaining three members shall be appointed by the Equity, Inclusion, Youth, and the Arts Committee or its successor committee.

Term Length: 2-year terms

Speccial Requirements: The Working Group shall consist of five community stakeholders from a diverse and relevant range of sectors such as employment law, pay equity citification, human resources, legal and compliance, labor unions, and private business, among others at the discretion of the Mayor or Council Committee making the appointment. Members of the Working Group must best residents of Cincinnati or work in Cincinnati.

Anthony Johnson
Gender: Male
Race: Non Specified
Term: Apr 27, 2021 - Apr 27, 2023

Julie Doyle
Gender: Female
Race: White
Term: Apr 27, 2022 - Apr 27, 2024

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