Victory Parkway and Park Avenue Bridge Improvements


  • Park Avenue Bridge Resized

    Park Avenue Bridge Aerial view over Kemper Lane

  • Aerial View Resized

    Intersection of Victory Parkway and Park Avenue Aerial view near the Edgecliff Condominiums 

  • Existing Sidewalk near the Edgecliff

    Intersection of Victory Parkway and Calvin Cliff Street • Close-up view of existing sidewalk 

  • Lurray Intersection View

    Intersection of Luray Avenue and Eden Park Drive • View of existing crosswalk and intersection

  • Cypress View Shows Oversized Street Width

    Victory Parkway • View from Cypress Street looking toward Francis Lane shows existing, long pedestrian crosswalk 

  • View across from Krohn Conservatory

    Eden Park Drive • View of existing crosswalk and current lane configuration adjacent to Krohn Conservatory

The City of Cincinnati Department of Transportation & Engineering is implementing a comprehensive safety improvement project along Victory Parkway between East McMillan Street and Martin Drive.

The project includes the rehabilitation of the Park Avenue Bridge over Kemper Lane and a variety of safety improvements designed to calm traffic and make this one-mile stretch safer for pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles. 

Construction is expected to begin in spring 2026. 

The project extends approximately one mile along Victory Parkway between Taft Rd and Martin Drive. The street will be repaved and restriped to include one travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane. This street design has successfully reduced speeding in other neighborhoods. The project will also include several other improvements designed to make the area safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers. 

Improvements include:

  • Curb extensions at Martin Drive, Krohn Conservatory, Park Avenue, Calvin Cliff Street, Francis Lane, and Cypress Street
  • Raised crosswalks at Luray Avenue, and at Krohn Conservatory
  • New sidewalk along the west side of Eden Park Drive between Krohn and St. Paul Drive
  • Widened sidewalk along the east side of Eden Park Drive between Krohn Conservatory and Lake Drive
  • Widened sidewalk on the east side of Victory Parkway between Francis Lane and Calvin Cliff Street
  • One-way bicycle lanes on both sides of the street between Taft Rd and Park Avenue
  • Intersection redesign at Luray Avenue and Eden Park Drive
  • New all-way stop at Martin Drive and Eden Park Drive
  • New streetlights on both sides of the street between East McMillan Street and Park Avenue
  • Additional on-street parking near Krohn Conservatory
  • An eco-friendly pavement additive that "eats" smog

The project also includes the rehabilitation of the Park Avenue bridge over Kemper Lane. New railing and streetlights will be installed, and the driving surface of the bridge will be replaced. A 16ft wide shared-use path for pedestrians and bicyclists will also be installed on both sides of the bridge, and will extend to southern Lake Drive.

View a large pdf of the map in a new window.


Q. Why doesn't the project include protected bike lanes?
A. While protected bike lanes are always the preferred design, they are not possible in this area due to the narrow width of the street.
Q. Can a crosswalk be added at Park Avenue?
A. This segment of Victory Parkway is not suitable for a crosswalk because the curvature of the road limits sight distance.

Q. Will this project result in more trucks on the Park Avenue bridge?
A. Even if the bridge is strengthened to remove weight restrictions, Victory Parkway will not become a truck route. No through trucks are allowed in the Park.
Q. Can the same improvements be made on nearby streets, such as Park Avenue and Francis Lane?
A. Expanding the project to include additional streets is outside the scope of the current grants awarded to the City.
Q. Can the Twin Lakes overlook become a pedestrian-only area?
A. Closing this area to vehicles is outside the scope of the current grants awarded to the City. However, the project will modify the existing vehicle entrance and exit to make them more pedestrian-friendly and slow drivers down.  
Q. Can these improvements be constructed any earlier?
A. Unfortunately the funding will only become available for construction in 2026/2027. But that will be here before we know it!




City staff will be sharing a project update at the following upcoming meetings:

Walnut Hills Area Council
6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 11, 2024
Bush Recreation Center
2640 Kemper Ln
Cincinnati, OH 45206  

East Walnut Hills Assembly
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 1, 2024
St. Francis DeSales School
1601 Madison Rd
Cincinnati, Oh 45206

Presentation Slides by the Department of Transportation & EngineeringPPT_Title_Image


City staff shared information about the project and collected community input at the following 2022 neighborhood meetings:

Walnut Hills Area Council 
6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022

East Walnut Hills Assembly
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022

Presentation Slides by the Department of Transportation & EngineeringPPT_Title_Image

The city first used the eco-friendly pavement additive known as titanium dioxide (TiO2) in 2020 on a road rehabilitation project in Pleasant Ridge along Montgomery Road between Cypress Way and Coleridge Avenue. TiO2 helps reduce air pollution caused by vehicle emissions. 

The application planned for Victory Parkway will be the city's second project to use TiO2.

Learn more about it by viewing the following local news media accounts and the consultant's analysis:

► Local 12: Smog-Eating Road in Pleasant Ridge

► WVXU: Special Ingredient Helps Reduce Pollution

► Cincinnati Ti02 Pilot Project Analysis 

Reiner Reising, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Telephone: 513-352-3414

Joe Conway, P.E.
Senior Engineer
Telephone: 513-352-1949




Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our survey and share their feedback with us. Ninety-four percent of survey respondents indicated that they felt the project would make Eden Park Drive and Victory Parkway safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers.