Clifton Neighborhood Plan
Clifton is updating their neighborhood plan. The last neighborhood-specific plan approved for Clifton was in 1982. Since then, the neighborhood has been involved in area studies, including the Uptown and University plans. This planning process is exciting because we will focus on Clifton’s vision, priorities, and needs to help guide their neighborhood's future.
A neighborhood plan is a(n):
Overview of the neighborhood and community; where people who are interested in Clifton can learn about the neighborhood’s history, demographics, trends, and goals.
Opportunity for the neighborhood to engage and establish their needs and priorities; where residents can be involved and voice their ideas, concerns, and desires.
Roadmap for the community’s future; where a common vision is documented with supporting goals and strategies.
Guide for the Community Council, residents, and City staff; where strategies are available for various stakeholders to find new neighborhood projects and initiatives.
Opportunity to create partnerships; where connections amongst residents, the City, and organizations can grow.
Funding resource for neighborhood projects; where goal and strategy language can help secure Capital Budget Requests and grant opportunities.
Tool for City staff; where the plan can help staff make recommendations and policy decisions.
Resource for developers; where they can learn about the community and make informed decisions.
The basic elements of a neighborhood plan:
Process and Engagement Overview > How the Plan was Made
Neighborhood History > What Existed
Existing Conditions > What Currently Exists
Vision > What the Community Wants to Exist
Future Land Use > How the Community Wants the Land to Exist
Goals and Strategies > How the Vision is Accomplished
Implementation Plan > The What, Where, Who, and When
Potential Plan Themes
Environment (incl. Parks and Open Space)
Development (incl. Housing and Zoning)
Community (incl. Services, Safety, Programming)
History (incl. Local Historic District Designation)
Arts and Culture
Upcoming Meetings
Public Meeting #1
Saturday, March 22, at 9:00 AM
Held in person at the Clifton Rec Center
located at 320 McAlpin Ave, Cincinnati OH, 45220
Join us and share your big ideas for Clifton! If you can't attend in person, you may provide input online by filling out the form linked here.
The planning process includes a variety of steering committee meetings and public meetings throughout 2025. Below is a schedule of the engagement calendar, but additional stakeholder meetings and pop-up events will occur throughout the year. The process will give Clifton residents a chance to discuss their experiences and ideas. We want the Clifton Community Plan to represent and embody the community’s vision for themselves and provide a framework to address their needs.
Steering Committee
The steering committee is a group of volunteer residents who are helping to guide and champion the plan. The members were compiled through months of neighborhood advertisements, including social media, flyers, and the Clifton Chronicle.
Kyle Gibbs, City Planner | (513) 352-4886