
1,4-dioxane is a colorless, odorless manufactured chemical that is used as an industrial solvent.  It is found in normal everyday consumer products such as soap, shampoo, and cosmetics as well as food packaging, some plastics and adhesives.  1,4-dioxane is very different than dioxin, which is a highly toxic chemical and environmental pollutant.

In high levels, 1,4-dioxane can cause nose, throat, kidney and liver issues. In addition, USEPA states the compound my be carcinogenic.  There are currently no regulations for this compound in drinking water, and any effects of exposure at low levels are not known.

Greater Cincinnati Water Works has been monitoring this chemical for several years and has detected it at extremely low levels. The results have been reported in GCWW Water Quality Reports, as required. The GCWW Water Quality Report is developed and published each year to relay regulated as well as unregulated contaminant monitoring results, and is available to all consumers at WQR.myGCWW.org. Although the impact of these low-level detections is not known, in an effort to further protect public health, GCWW is proactively working to identify sources to reduce and eventually eliminate this compound from its drinking water sources.


1,4-Dioxane Table