Water Main Breaks

Report A Water Main Break

With more than 3,100 miles of water mains, Greater Cincinnati Water Works appreciates customer calls about breaks or leaks. 

To report a new break or leak visit https://cagis.hamilton-co.org/311// or call 513-591-7700 at any time, including weekends and holidays. Be sure to give the street address and cross street or intersection.

GCWW will investigate all reported leaks. Some leaks may be on private property, which can be determined in the investigation. Property owners are responsible for repairing leaks on their property.

What Happens When You Call About A Break:

GCWW investigates all reports of breaks and leaks as soon as possible.

  • Emergency water main breaks may cause an outage and leave some customers without water service. These breaks are given highest priority for repair.
  • An emergency repair usually takes 6 to 8 hours to complete, after water is turned off to the area.
  • Repair crews work as quickly as possible to make repairs and return customers' water service.
    We appreciate your patience!

When Breaks & Leaks Are Most Likely:

Main breaks or leaks are most likely to occur during extreme weather conditions.

  • Frigid weather is the most common time for main breaks, when both air and water temperatures can contribute to breaks.
  • Hot, dry weather is the second most frequent time. Shifting ground and increased volume and pressure can stress water mains.

Maintaining The Water System:

In addition to repairing water mains, GCWW replaces or rehabilitates more than 30 miles of water mains each year to maintain our standards for reliability of the water distribution system.