Meter Reading

Meter Reading Information

Our water meters measure water usage in cubic feet. A water meter is a precision instrument, built to the exacting standards of the industry and carefully tested for accuracy before it is installed.

While the meter is owned, installed and maintained by the Greater Cincinnati Water Works, you are responsible for protecting it from damage.

If the meter is damaged, including the freezing of an inside meter, you must pay for a replacement.

Access to the meter is a condition of receiving service from GCWW. The meter must remain accessible at all times for reading, inspection and removal or replacement.

Estimated Billing

Regular meter reading is the best way to manage usage and discover leaks. GCWW has installed what we call "H2O Radio" on all meters. This system sends the meter reading from the meter located at your property, by radio signal, to a vehicle driving down the street.

  • To be sure you have H2O Radio installed at your meter and that it is working properly, the "Reading Type" on your bill under meter reading details should show as "Actual." This means we have successfully read your meter.
  • If the "Reading Type" on your bill shows "Estimated" it means that a  component(s) of the H2O Radio system is not working properly or H2O Radio has never been installed at your property.

If you have an estimated reading, please call 513-591-7700 and a customer service representative will help you identify and rectify the problem.

H2O Radio

H2O Radio is an automatic meter reading system that sends a low powered radio signal from a unit connected to your water meter.

A computer equipped van drives down the street and automatically reads water meters. This allows GCWW to conveniently read your meter without entering your home. The information is then used to produce a bill.

The H2O Radio project began in June 2003 with City Council's unanimous support per Resolution 89-2003 and subsequent contract between GCWW and VSI Group, Inc., the H2O Radio installer.

The project was completed on schedule and within budget in October 2007.

Some of the benefits derived from this system are:

  • Enhanced customer service through convenient meter readings
  • Increased revenues due to meter accuracy
  • Operational savings
  • Accurate and timely bills

GCWW has attracted international attention for successfully implementing the largest automatic meter reading project currently under way for any water utility in North America. Visitors from as close as Louisville and as far away as Tokyo have come to observe implementation of H2O Radio.

Prior to this project, 20 meter readers would read approximately 4,000 meters manually each day. Today, one employee completes the same number of meter readings in less than 4 hours.

Water meter readers were reassigned, and no permanent employees lost their jobs.