Operations and Maintenance

SMU Manages

  • Over 300 miles of storm sewers
  • Approximately 30,500 inlet and intake structures
  • Over 6,000 storm sewer manholes
  • The Mill Creek Barrier Dam
  • Four Pump Stations

Goals and Objectives

  • Protect lives and property
  • Administer a comprehensive storm water drainage and flood management program
  • Mitigate future flood damages by applying the proper combination of structural and non-structural measures
  • Deliver a timely response to community storm water drainage concerns
  • Render a productive service to the community through proper inspection and maintenance of the storm sewer system


  • Identify and minimize/correct drainage concerns
  • Maintain and rehabilitate the existing storm water drainage system
  • Plan, design, and construct additions and improvements to the storm water drainage system
  • Regulate private sector impacts on the storm water drainage system
  • Minimize the impact of system failures
  • We inspect watercourse blockages and provide general management services for some of the larger waterways in the city