Social Security

City of Cincinnati employees do not contribute to Social Security, and their service time does not count towards eligibility for Social Security.  Some City of Cincinnati employees, however, are eligible for Social Security benefits as a result of other employment.

If you have worked for another employer, you should check to see if you are eligible for Social Security benefits.  You can check your eligibility by creating an account and logging on here: my Social Security

If you are eligible for Social Security benefits you should know how your CRS pension can reduce your Social Security benefits under the "Windfall Elimination Provision" (WEP).  The Social Security Administration provides a WEP calculator that will estimate the amount your Social Security payment will be after the WEP is applied.   WEP Online Calculator

Note: If you have 30 years of employment for an employer that participates in Social Security, the WEP reduction will not apply.



Windfall Elimination Factsheet

Government Pension Offset Factsheet