Death in Service

Death Benefits for Active Members with Spouse and/or Dependents

Spousal 20-Year Service Credit Provision

If you die in service as an active employee of the City of Cincinnati and have at least 20 years service credit, your legally married spouse* could choose to receive a monthly pension benefit (calculated under Option 1 only per CMC 203.63)  at the earlier of:

1. 1st day of the month following your 60th birthday; OR
2. 1st day of the month following the date you would have reached 30 years of service had you not died; OR
3. 1st day of the month following the date of your death if you were already eligible to retire on or before the day you died.

*In order to be eligible for this benefit, the member’s legally married spouse must be designated as the member’s sole primary beneficiary prior to the member’s death.

CRS Beneficiary Form

Refund of Contributions

If you die in service, and you are not eligible for the above mentioned Service Credit Provision, your designated primary beneficiary is eligible to receive a refund of your accumulated CRS contributions (member contributions only, as employer paid contributions do not accrue to individual accounts) plus interest. Note that Federal taxes would be withheld from this particular payment at a rate of 20% if the beneficiary is the member’s legally married spouse, or 10% withholding if the beneficiary is anyone else. Any tax liability for the refund of contributions paid is the responsibility of the recipient.

Spousal Waiver Form

Survivor Benefits

In the event that you die in service as an active employee of City of Cincinnati AND you have at least 18 months of service credit at the time of your death, the CRS provides Survivor Benefits to your legally married spouse and/or your eligible dependent children (the member’s naturally born or legally adopted child(ren) under the age of 18 years and unmarried).  Additional information regarding Survivor Benefits is available from the CRS Office.


Death Benefits for Active Members without Spouse and/or Dependents

Refund of Contributions

If you die in service, your designated primary beneficiary is eligible to receive a refund of your accumulated CRS contributions (member contributions ONLY) plus any accumulated interest payable.  The employer paid contributions do not accrue to individual accounts. Federal taxes will be withheld from this particular payment (10% withholding). The tax liability for the refund of contributions paid is the responsibility of the recipient.

CRS Beneficiary Form