CRS Board of Trustees




Bill Moller, Chair  (Elected - Retiree)

Tom Gamel, Vice Chair (Elected - Retiree)

Mark Menkhaus, Jr. (Elected - Active)

Monica Morton (Elected - Active)

Katherine Rahtz (Elected - Retiree)

Tom West (Appointed)

John Juech (Appointed)

Seth Walsh (Appointed)

Aliya Riddle (Appointed)



Board of Trustees Appointment/Election History



Board of Trustees Elections

As a member of the Cincinnati Retirement System, you have a voice in decisions and policies affecting your retirement benefits. The Board is ultimately responsible for all administration and management of the Cincinnati Retirement System including setting retirement system policies, approving the overall investment plan and asset allocation strategy, reviewing and approving budgets and acting as fiduciaries of the System.

Every member is part of a specific group with representation on the Board of Trustees:

  • Four members are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council.

  • Two members are active employees elected by CRS active members.

  • Three members are retirees elected by CRS pensioners.

The five elected positions on the CRS Board of Trustees are designated for election on a staggered basis, ensuring experience and organizational knowledge is stable from year to year. 
