
Cincinnati has the oldest curbside recycling program in Ohio, established in 1989. Single family homes have fewer barriers to recycling, so the City has focused much of its efforts there. However, over 50% of Cincinnati residents live in multi-family dwellings. These individuals, typically in priority communities, do not have the same easy access to recycling. Instead, they need to own a car and transport recyclables to a drop-off location. The effort, time, and resources necessary to do this creates a significant barrier for most people. Furthermore, illegal dumping threatens the existence of these drop-offs. In this pilot we propose placing recycling dumpsters directly on site at multi-family residences—so residents have easy access—and piloting a valet and education service to help property managers control for contamination. 

Green Cincinnati Plan Priority Actions

  • Increase the number of multi-family dwellings with recycling infrastructure 
  • Minimize recycling contamination through culturally appropriate education, partnerships, workforce champions, and resident feedback