Curbside Recycling Eligibility

Residential Recycling

All single-family households and multi-unit complexes with 4 units or less that currently receive curbside garbage collection are eligible for curbside recycling, at no additional cost.

  • Need a cart or a different size? Please visit or use the 311Cincy! mobile app. Select “Trash, Litter and Recycling” and “Recycling, new/swap/missing cart” and then select the cart size you would like. Alternately, you may call 513-352-3200 to order the cart.

Commercial Recycling

All commercial structures within the city limits with private garbage collection may contact us at 513-352-3200 to discuss free recycling options. This includes businesses and multi-family residences with more than 4 units. Additionally, Hamilton County offers free recycling assistance through their Multi-Family Recycling and Reduce Waste at Work programs. The County provides technical assistance, coordination with waste haulers, indoor collection containers, education, and promotion.

Also see: Drop-off Locations