Alternative Outlets

Despite keeping waste out of the landfill, recycling does require the input of resources and energy. In contrast, waste reduction, reuse, and repair all conserve energy and save natural resources, making them, in many ways, better options than recycling in the waste hierarchy. Reusable take-out containers are preferable to single-use containers even if they do require washing. Similarly, donating or selling household items and furniture extends the “life” of these items, keeping them out of the landfill. Unfortunately, it’s usually easier and cheaper to buy new, rather than fix or find something a new home. This strategy aims to level the playing field so it’s just as easy to reuse as it is to replace. 

Green Cincinnati Plan Priority Actions

  • Support and expand neighborhood pick-up locations that connect commercial recyclers to dropped-off recyclable materials, like the Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub 
  • Create a program that incentivizes commercial recyclers to collect household e-waste, textiles, and reusable items not otherwise collected curbside 
  • Incentivize recycling and diversion innovation by increasing the cost of waste generation and disposal