
Goalball is a competitive sport played three-against-three, indoors on a gym floor—primarily by blind and visually impaired athletes. A rubber ball with bells inside is used so that the players can track the ball. This game is played at the local school gym level, all the way up the the Paralympic level—internationally by Team USA. Even if you don’t have a visual impairment, you can participate in this amazing sport! Come out and give this awesome game a try! For additional information about this fun program, please contact Teresa Miller.

Ages:                            8 and Older                                                                                          

Day:                             Wednesdays                                                                                  

Begin/End:                   October 2, 2019 – February 26, 2020                                                    

Cancellations:            November 27, December 25, 2019 and January 1, 2020

Program Time:              6:30 – 8:30 pm                        

Program Location:         LeBlond RecPlex                                                                             

Program Code:              GB1920                                    

Program Fee:                $50 + CRC Center Membership

Registration Deadline:  Friday, September 27, 2019      

Contact Person:           Teresa Miller (513)352-4962