

CRC Playgrounds

Where would we be without play? Playtime and fun time are necessary parts of life -- especially in the life of a child.

Cincinnati Recreation Commission maintains more than 100 playgrounds capturing the smiles of children and grownups alike. CRC playgrounds offer safe places to play, climb, slide or swing. Many playgrounds have transfer platforms, wheelchair ramps and other accessible play components. And they’re all over the city.

Armleder Playground Linwood
Ashland Playground Walnut Hills
Avon Playground Avondale
Boldface Playground Sedamsville
Bond Hill Playground Bond Hill
Bramble Playground Madisonville
Burnet Playground Avondale
Caldwell Park Playground Carthage
Camp Washington Playground Camp Washington
Carmalt Playground Mt. Auburn
Carson/Covedale Playground West Price Hill
Carthage Playground Carthage
Chase/Fergus Playground Northside
Colerain/Shepard Playground Mt. Airy
College Hill Playground College Hill
Cornuelle Playground Madisonville
Corryville Playground Corryville
Coy Playground CUF
Daniel Playground College Hill
DeHart Playground Walnut Hills
Dempsey Playground East Price Hill
Dunham Playground West Price Hill
Dyer Playground West End
East Hyde Park Commons Playground E. Hyde Park
Ebersole Playground California
Evans Playground Lower Price Hill
Evanston Center Playground Evanston
Evanston Playground Evanston
Fairview Playground CUF
Filson Playground Mt. Auburn
Findlay New Playground Over-the-Rhine
Findlay Old Over the Rhine
Forest/Irving Rec Area Playground Avondale
Glendora Playground Corryville
Grant Rec Area Playground Over-the-Rhine
Hanna Pool Playground Over-the-Rhine
Hannaford Playground Spring Grove Villiage
Hartwell Center Playground Hartwell
Hartwell Totlot Playground Hartwell
Haven Playground Avondale
Hawkins Playground East Westwood
Hendy Playground West Price Hill
Henrianne Playground East Westwood
Hirsch Rec Center Playground Avondale
Kennedy Heights Playground Kennedy Heights
Lang Playground Kennedy Heights
Laurel Playground West End
LeBlond Playground East End
Lincoln Playground West End
Linwood Russell Playground Linwood
Lower Price Hill Playground Lower Price Hill
Lunken Playfield Land of Make Believe Playground Linwood
Madisonville Playground Madisonville
Martin Luther King Totlot Playground Avondale
Massachusetts Playground Camp Washington
McKie Rec Area Playground Northside
McMicken and Klotter Playground CUF
Millvale Playground Millvale
Milton and Boal Play Area Playground Mt. Auburn
Moorman Playground East Walnut Hills
Mt. Washington Playground Mt. Washington
Nassau/St James Playground Walnut Hills
North Avondale Playground North Avondale
North Fairmount Pool Playground North Fairmount
Oakley Playground Oakley
Olden Playground East Price Hill
Oskamp Playground Westwood
Owl's Nest Playground Evanston
Paddock and Tennessee Playground Paddock Hills
Park and Myrtle Playground Walnut Hills
Pleasant Ridge Playground Pleasant Ridge
Queensgate Playground West End
Rakestraw Playground East End
Rapid Run Playground West Price Hill
Rice Playground Mt. Auburn
Riverside/Gilday Playground Riverside
Rockdale Playground Avondale
Roselawn Playground Roselawn
Ryan Playground Westwood
Salway Rec Area Playground Spring Grove Villiage
Sayler Park Playground Sayler Park
Schmidt Playground East End
Schwarz Playground Walnut Hills
South Fairmount Playground South Fairmount
Spring Street Playground Pendleton
St. Clair Playground South Fairmount
Walnut Hills Playground Walnut Hills
Wayne Playground Millvale
Westwood Town Hall Playground Westwood
Winton Hills Playground Winton Hills
Winton Place Commons Playground Spring Grove Villiage
Wulsin (Withrow) Playground Hyde Park
Zinsle Playground Kennedy Heights