Mission/ADA/EEO Statements


We create exceptional recreation experiences for all citizens through our programs, facilities and parks that make Cincinnati a great city to live, work, and play.


Embrace the spirit of the Cincinnati community by creating a culture of lifelong personal growth supported through reliable and sustainable funding sources that will move us from good to great.

Guiding Principles

  • Collaboration… work together with the community, other service providers and city departments
  • Commitment…dedicated to service beyond self to make Cincinnati the place to live, work and play
  • Excellence…expect high quality performance and service
  • Human and personal interaction… love what we do and celebrate it
  • Diversity…embrace differences and inclusiveness
  • Fiscal responsibility…stewards of entrusted funds
  • Innovation…challenge the status quo
  • Professional Growth…challenge the staff to learn
  • Civility… we solve problems collectively


ADA/EEO Statements

The Cincinnati Recreation Commission (CRC) provides recreational and cultural activities for Cincinnatians of all ages and abilities. CRC enriches the lives of Cincinnati citizens, through special public events, volunteer opportunities and leisure activities at CRC recreation centers, aquatic facilities, golf courses and hundreds of playgrounds and sports fields.

 The City of Cincinnati and CRC are dedicated to providing equal employment without regard to sex, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity, marital status, disability, religion, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, Appalachian regional ancestry, veteran status, military status, genetic history and HIV status or on the basis of any other category protected under federal, state and local laws. The City of Cincinnati and CRC are committed to supporting the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please call if you require any special accommodations. CRC InfoLine: 513-352-4000.