Goals & Treatment Methods

Ordinary Snow Event

The Winter Operations Program focuses on using a systematic approach for treating streets, with a goal of having streets treated and safe for travel within 24 hours of the end of an ordinary snowfall.

The operational plans used by the City are based on efficiently routing snow treating equipment. This equipment is deployed using weather predictions provided by local television networks and a variety of local and national weather forecasting services.

Severe Snow Event

For more severe snowstorms, the City will issue a Snow Parking Restriction, which initiates parking restrictions on Snow Emergency Routes. Cars not moved are subject to ticketing and towing.

These severe storms sometimes require hauling away snow, making clearing streets more difficult.  Although this can delay the full treatment of streets, every effort is made to make roads passable as soon as practical.

Treatment Methods

The City uses four primary treatment methods:

  • Salt Brine is a combination of salt and water that is used most often for pre-treating the streets.
  • Salt is used as a treatment on streets when the temperature is above 17 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Calcium Chloride & Salt is used in combination when the temperature is below 17 degrees Fahrenheit or during an ice storm or heavy accumulation.
  • Plowing is used for several inches of snow and may leave ridges of snow on the sides of streets.

Our salt domes and brine production units are strategically placed across the city to maximize efficiency:

salt dome map