Preventing Kia and Hyundai Car Thefts: How Owners Can Protect Themselves

Jan 15, 2025

After a nationwide increase in thefts of Hyundai and Kia vehicles, these companies have provided information and resources that can help Cincinnatians keep their vehicles safe.

How Cars are Being Stolen

Kia and Hyundai vehicles have been targeted for theft more often in recent years due to a security vulnerability in certain models. The issue primarily affects vehicles that were manufactured between 2011 and 2021, which lack electronic immobilizers—a device designed to prevent a car from starting without the correct key.

Many Kia and Hyundai models built during this period did not come with immobilizers or any other reasonable anti-theft technology as standard, making them easier to steal. Thieves have found that these cars can be stolen quickly by accessing the ignition and using simple tools. Videos showing how to steal these cars using just a USB cable or similar objects are available on many social media platforms, such as TikTok.

How to Protect Yourself and Your Belongings

KIA and Hyundai are offering vehicle owners free security software updates.

Owners can check their VIN numbers through the manufacturer’s website to see if they are eligible for an update or call the toll-free phone numbers below.

KIA: 1-800-333-4542

HYUNDAI: 1-800-633-5151

The Cincinnati Police Department has steering wheel locks available for residents. Please contact the Public Information Office at to schedule picking up a steering wheel lock at CPD District 1.



Después de un aumento a nivel nacional en los robos de vehículos Hyundai y Kia, Hyundai y Kia han proporcionado información y recursos que pueden ayudarlo a evitar convertirse en una víctima.

Kia y Hyundai están ofreciendo a los propietarios de vehículos actualizaciones de software de seguridad GRATUITAS y bloqueos de volante.

Los propietarios pueden verificar sus números de VIN a través del sitio web de los fabricantes para ver si son elegibles para una actualización o llamar a los números de teléfono gratuitos a continuación.

KIA: 1-800-333-4542

HYUNDAI: 1-800-633-5151



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