
The collaboration and commitment across City partnerships, organizations and most importantly, community members ensures the success of the Collaborative Agreement refresh. Below is a list of key partners in the refresh.

As a result of Mr. Green’s role in the original Collaborative Agreement, Cincinnati has been able to move the needle forward and act as a national model for community-police relations. Mr. Green is an attorney who conducts and advises internal investigations for organizations or businesses.  He served as the deputy mayor of the City of Detroit from 2008 to 2011 and is a former United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan.

The Citizen Complaint Authority was established as part of the first Collaborative Agreement in 2003. Three primary components encompass the CCA: a board of seven citizens appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council, a full-time director with support staff and a team of professional investigators.

  • Community representatives to the Manager’s Advisory Group (MAG)
    • Iris Roley, officer, Collaborative Agreement, Black United Front
    • Ennis Tait, pastor, Church of the Living God
    • Reverend Damon Lynch III, pastor, New Prospect Baptist Church
    • Al Gerhardstein, plaintiff’s attorney of the original Collaborative Agreement