Collaborative Agreement Refresh Schedule

Bias-free Policing and Officer Accountability

June – July 2017: CPD completed internal review of the system(s) used to identify and reduce racial statistical differences and identify potential at-risk officers and transmitted Report on 7/16/2017 - D. Bauer, T. Theetge, signed by Chief E. Isaac

September 21, 2017: Saul Green’s Group will transmit Report (regarding City’s bias evaluation report and results of community forums) to City Manager

September 26, 2017: Community forum #1 with City and Saul Green’s group (evening meeting location: Taft High School)

September 26 – October 19, 2017: CPD & Saul Green’s group report results of ‘Bias-free Policing’ evaluation to “the Parties” – City departments, the community, other jurisdictions and MAG. CPD and Saul Green’s group will develop and begin to implement action steps.

Mutual Accountability of All Parties

August - September 2017: The City will complete an internal review of the degree of participation by other jurisdictions, City departments and community members in supporting the provisions of the CA. CPD will submit “Mutual Accountability” report to Saul Green’s Group by September 21, 2017

November 9, 2017: Saul Green’s Group will transmit progress report (regarding City’s mutual accountability report and results of community forums) to City Manager

November 14, 2017: Community forum #2 with City and Saul Green’s group (evening meeting location: CAA in Bond Hill)

November 14 – December 14, 2017: CPD and Saul Green’s Group report results of ‘mutual accountability’ evaluation to “the Parties” – City departments, the community, other jurisdictions and MAG. CPD & Saul Green’s Group develop and begin to implement action steps.

Community Problem-Oriented Policing Strategy

October – November 2017: CPD will complete an internal review related to the “Problem Solving Process” inside and outside CPD, related to the Collaborative Agreement.

November 30, 2017: CPD will submit report to Saul Green’s Group

January 4, 2018: Saul Green’s Group will transmit progress report (regarding City’s “Problem Solving Process” report and results of community forums) to City Manager

January 11, 2018: Community forum #3 with City and Saul Green’s group (meeting location: TBD)

January 11 – February 1, 2018: CPD & Saul Green’s Group report results of “Problem Solving Process” evaluation to “the Parties” – City departments, the community, other jurisdictions and MAG. CPD & Saul Green’s Group develop and begin to implement action steps.


Community Perception: June – August 25, 2017 (CBUF leading outreach, UC analyzing. More than 1,000 surveys completed)

Criminal Justice Professionals: June – August 18, 2017 (up to 40 professionals being interviewed)

CPD: August 17 – September 1, 2017 (via online survey form)

Police Body Worn Cameras: ongoing public online survey

*Timeline as of August 21, 2017