Census Information
Census data is used for the distribution of federal funds (including the Community Development Block Grant program, HOME Investment Partnership program, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Hamilton County WIC), fair representation through the reapportion the House of Representatives, and political redistricting for congressional and state legislative districts.
View the Data:
2020 Count 2010 Count 2000 Count 1990 Count
The Department of City Planning & Engagement Statistical Database contains information on the neighborhoods inside the boundary of the City of Cincinnati. This information is collected from various resources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau, State of Ohio, Hamilton County and various City departments. The database includes tables, charts, and maps that illustrate statistically and graphically the character and makeup of the City based on its statistical neighborhood areas.
To learn more about the US Census and data releases, please visit the U.S. Census Bureau website, or view the online Quickfacts page for Cincinnati.