Proposed Subdivision at 3250-56 Hardisty Avenue in Mt. Lookout


On August  24, 2021, the Department of City Planning & Engagement deemed the application for a division of land at 3250-3256 Hardisty Avenue complete. The proposed subdivision includes an eight-lot subdivision from two existing lots for the purpose of single-family residential use, including a proposed public street.

On November 5, 2021 the City Planning Commission held the application for the following modifications to be made:

    1. The Development Plan should be revised to include a private or public street, omitting the panhandles. The street must be at least 21-wide, set apart for two-way travel, and the design of the street must meet City Standards, as outlined in the Subdivision and Development Streets Manual.

    1. Proposed parcels must meet the 10,000 square foot minimum and be 60-feet wide as outlined in §1403-07.

    1. Produce a landscape plan that demonstrates how the applicant intends to mitigate the removal of trees per Section 400-03(b)(3)(v) of the Subdivision Regulations.

The full packet can be accessed here (begins on p. 159).

On July 15, 2022, the City Planning Commission reviewed a revised application for a subdivision of land at 3250-3256 Hardisty Avenue; the proposed development is often referred to as Brookfield. The new proposal includes subdividing the subject properties, creating a new, private street, and creating six new parcels.

Revised Application Materials:

The City Planning Commission held the item to allow for further analysis to be performed addressing stormwater management, a traffic impact study, a landscape plan that identified areas of deforestation, reforestation, and tree conservation from the applicant, and an impact analysis from the Hillside Trust. The full packet from that meeting can be accessed here (begins on p. 137), and the meeting minutes can be accessed here.

On September 15, 2022, The Hillside Trust submitted an analysis of the proposed subdivision as requested by the City Planning Commission; it can be accessed here:

On January 25, 2023, the following materials were submitted to the Department of City Planning and Engagement:

City Planning Commission

The revised proposal will be reviewed by the City Planning Commission at a future meeting. All property owners within 250-feet of the subject properties, previous interested parties, and the Mt. Lookout Community Council will be notified once the item has been scheduled.

Public comments to be shared with the City Planning Commission may be submitted to the Department of City Planning and Engagement at the following email address:

Persons who would like to participate in or view an upcoming hearing should please carefully review the instructions at the following website and submit a written request to no less than 48 hours in advance of the meeting:


For questions or comments, please contact:
Stacey Hoffman, Senior City Planner |