Plan Cincinnati



Plan Cincinnati is Cincinnati's first comprehensive plan in over thirty years. It was adopted unanimously by the City Council in November 2012 after a three years long development process and unprecedented public participation through direct engagement of thousands of Cincinnati stakeholders.

Plan Cincinnati is now the official document guiding future planning and development in the City of Cincinnati.  It is designed to represent the voice of the people of Cincinnati and guide the future of our city. All future Neighborhood, Neighborhood Business District, Urban Renewal, Urban Design, Strategic, Area, or Special Plans must adhere to the goals and strategies set forth in this document.


Plan Cincinnati is a living, breathing plan that will guide the City’s future. The Plan will be reviewed annually and updated every 5 years. The Steering Committee that helped develop the Plan has now transitioned into an Implementation Committee that the public is encouraged to join.

If you would like to get involved with the implementation of the Plan, you can do so by volunteering on one of our Action Teams that may be relevant to you or by joining our Speakers Bureau.

Please sign up and we will get in touch with you!                                                                                        SIGN UP


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