Westwood Neighborhood Plan

**DRAFT PLAN**250218_WestwoodNeighborhoodPlan DRAFT.pdf.

The neighborhood of Westwood is starting the process to work with Blume Community Partners, Lord Aeck Sargent (LAS), and the City of Cincinnati to write a new neighborhood plan for the community! Westwood is the City of Cincinnati's largest neighborhood in both area and population and currently has a population of 33,774 as of the 2020 Census. 

A neighborhood plan is a legal document adopted by City Council that sets the aspirations, vision, goals, and strategies for the long-term physical, social, and economic development of the neighborhood. They are important for addressing the concerns of the community, paving a path forward for future goals and growth, guiding future development, setting budget priorities, and allocating public funds. The purpose of this planning process is to empower the community to shape the future of Westwood in a way that is consistent with the community’s vision.

A contract was executed with Blume Community Partners and LAS to begin work on the plan in April of 2024. The contract is for a planning process of approximately one year, that will conclude with a final deliverable of a full plan to be approved by City Planning Commission and City Council.

Upcoming Meetings:


Please join us for an Open House for the Westwood Neighborhood Plan on Wednesday, March 12th at Westside Brewing starting at 7:00 pm. 

Location: 3044 Harrison Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45211 - Home - West Side Brewing 

Past Meetings:
  • Meeting #1 

    • Saturday, July 13, 2024

  • Meeting #2

    • Saturday, August 24, 2024 

  • Meeting #3

    • Saturday, October 5, 2024 

Working Group Meetings:

Over the next month, the five Theme Work Teams will be meeting to develop goals and strategies. If you have time, expertise, and passion to give, please join a work team.

  • Theme #1: Family & Community Oriented Resources
  • Theme #2: Community Pride and Connections
    • Resident Chairs: Brandon Kraeling bkraeling@gmail.com and Katie Query katiesquery@gmail.com; Staff: Emma Shirey-McNamara emma@blumecommunitypartners.com 
    • Meeting #1 - 9/12/24 @ 6:30pm at St. James Episcopal Church (3207 Montana Ave). Please email Brandon, Katie, or Emma if you'd like to join this group. 
  • Theme #3: Neighborhood Business Districts
    • Resident Chairs: Larry Eiser larryeiser@aol.com and Greg Hand handeaux@gmail.com; Staff: Stan Harvey Stan.Harvey@lordaecksargent.com
    • Meeting #1 - 8/26/24
    • Meeting #2 - 9/16/24 @ 6:30pm at Cincinnati Urban Promise (2420 Harrison Ave). Please email Larry, Greg, or Stan if you'd like to join this group. 
  • Theme #4: Housing
  • Theme #5: Transportation
Resources and Relevant Documents:
  • Liz Blume, Principal

  • Jesse Urbancsik, Senior City Planner