Local Historic Designation

Cincinnati City Council passed Historic Conservation Legislation in 1980.

Today the Local Historic Designation has expanded to include 52 Individual Landmarks and 26 Historic Districts.

These listings have been officially recognized by the City of Cincinnati for their historical, cultural, architectural, or archaeological significance.

Historic Designation eligibility is based on the Criteria outlined in Chapter 1435-07-01 of the Cincinnati Zoning Code.  These criteria are based on the four National Register criteria for eligibility including a property's association with significant events, association with significant people, architectural significance, or ability to convey information about history or prehistory (archaeological sites). 

The process of designation an individual property or district includes the creation of a designation report that includes research, field survey, and community meetings if creating a historic district. Three public hearings are held on the proposal for the designation of a local landmark or district. The first hearing takes place before the Historic Conservation Board, which makes a recommendation to the City Planning Commission on the designation. The City Planning Commission holds the second public hearing and forwards its recommendation to City Council. City Council holds the third and final public hearing and acts either to designate or not to designate the property or district, including its boundaries and conservation guidelines.

Examples of Designation Reports and Guidelines can be obtained from the Historic Conservation Office. 


Effects of Designation on Property Owners

Local Historic Designation protects the unique character of the City's historic resources. Historic designation does not affect the use of a property. Land use is regulated by Zoning. Designation does, however, affect the aesthetics of any exterior changes, including but not limited to additions, new construction, alterations and demolitions, made to landmarks or properties within local historic districts through the Certificate of Appropriateness Review Process.

Designation of a property as an individual landmark or as part of a district does not require owners to make improvements.

No owner, however, shall fail to provide reasonable care and maintenance.

A property owner who wants to make changes affecting the exterior of his or her property must obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) from the Historic Conservation Board. The Board reviews a property owner's proposal for its compliance with the established conservation guidelines. The Board may approve, approve with conditions, or deny a request for a COA. Decisions may be appealed to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Historic Conservation Board is empowered to grant relief from the Zoning Code when such relief is necessary and appropriate, in the interest of historic conservation and will not be materially detrimental to the property or neighborhood.



One purpose of local designation is the preservation of the built environment. The Historic Conservation Board may approve demolition of a designated structure if the property owner can demonstrate to its satisfaction that a reasonable economic return cannot be gained from reusing the property or that denying a demolition permit would amount to a taking without just compensation.

If the owner is a non-profit organization, the Historic Conservation Board can approve demolition if the owner can demonstrate to the Board’s satisfaction that the denial of the application would deny the owner the use of the property in a manner compatible with its organizational purposes and would amount to a taking of the property without just compensation.

No property owner shall cause, through willful action or through neglect, an alteration to or demolition of a designated historic property without the review and approval of the Historic Conservation Board.