Committee of Names

The Committee of Names was established to make recommendations regarding the naming or renaming of City Facilities. City facilities include streets, rights-of-way, alleys, buildings, and land owned by the City of Cincinnati, but do not include rooms, hallways, or items of personal property. The Committee reviews proposals then makes a recommendation to the Director of the Department of City Planning and Engagement.

City Facility Name Change Process

A name change proposal moves through a multi-step approval process as outlined below:  

City Facility Name Change Proposal Requirements

To apply for the renaming of a City Facility, download and complete out the fillable PDF form linked below. Email the form and all supplemental materials to

Committee of Names Intake Form

You will need the following information available:

  1. Specific facility to be renamed and the proposed name, including a sketch of the exact location of the City Facility.

  2. Origin, meaning, or significance of the proposed name.

  3. Birth and death names, if the proposed name is that of a person (note: a City Facility cannot be named for a living person).

  4. Explanation of why the City Facility should be named or renamed with the proposed name.

  5. Letters from appropriate organizations and individuals which provide evidence of substantial support (optional but recommended).

Criteria for Name Change Proposal
General Criteria
  • Names shall not be considered suitable if they:

    • Are composed of several parts or are difficult to pronounce;

    • Duplicate or are too similar to an existing name of the same type of facility;

    • Imply discrimination or would be considered derogatory to a particular person or organization or to any race, religion, ethnic group or group of handicapped persons;

    • Are considered obscene or blasphemous; or

    • Would not be considered in good taste by current community standards.

  • When a survey has been conducted, the results of the survey shall be considered.

  • Where possible, names should provide a useful function such as identifying the City Facility.

  • Names which have been established through local tradition will be given priority.

  • Street names should maintain the continuity and identification of streets in order to facilitate 911 identification, emergency response, and mail delivery and the location of addresses.

Criteria Specific to Names Identified with Individuals
  • A City Facility cannot be named for a living person.

  • Names of persons should be considered only if it is determined to be in the public interest to honor the person or the person’s family for historical or commemorative reasons.

  • A person’s epithet, nickname, or title may be used if it would provide a more appropriate, interesting, or enduring name.

  • Full names usually will not be considered suitable unless they are short, euphonic, or would be required because using only a part of the name would render it unidentifiable.

  • Names usually will not be considered suitable unless the person was associated with or made a significant contribution to the facility or the area in which the facility is located.

  • Prior ownership of land or a financial contribution to a City Facility alone should not be considered sufficient basis for consideration of an individual’s name.

  • The committee will not recommend a proposal which seeks to rename a City Facility which is already named for a person, if the name of that person has historical significance.

Current Members of the Committee of Names
  • Sophia Ferries-Rowe – City Planner (Department of City Planning and Engagement), Chair of Committee of Names

  • Morgan Kolks – Principal Engineer (Department of Transportation and Engineering)

  • David Sturkey – Zoning Hearing Examiner (Law Department)

  • Jill Beitz – Library Manager at Cincinnati History and Archives


If you have any questions about this process, please email