Avondale Resilience Hub

The Office of Environment and Sustainability has partnered with the Urban League of Greater Southwestern Ohio and Groundwork Ohio River Valley to plan for the establishment of a Resilience Hub in Avondale.

The project is funded through the Urban Sustainability Directors Network's Resilience Hub Fund for Resilient Power Systems. The grant provides funding for two major components of the project:

  1.  An ASHRAE Level 2 energy audit of the Urban League's site that will help us understand the potential energy efficiency improvements and installation of solar with battery backup at the site.
  2. A community engagement process that includes:
    1. Recruiting Avondale residents to serve on the Resilience Hub Advisory Committee that ensures voices from Avondale are present in the decision-making process
    2. A Needs Survey for Avondale residents that will inform the Avondale Needs Assessment
    3. The creation of a strategic plan for the Urban League to become a Resilience Hub, based on the findings of the energy audit and the Avondale Needs Assessment
    4. A community celebration of the project to share the results of the Needs Assessment, Urban League's Strategic Plan for becoming a Resilience Hub, and the energy audit results

The Avondale Resilience Hub project is currently underway and this page will be updated as progress is made. Here's what to expect:

  • Avondale Needs Assessment by May
  • Urban League's Resilience Hub Strategic Plan by end of May
  • Dates for the community celebration in May
  • An overview of the project, including steps, timeline, and best practices for Resilience Hub planning in June

If you're interested in establishing a Resilience Hub in your neighborhood and would like more information, please contact Howard.Miller@cincinnati-oh.gov