New Project to Decrease Asphalt Surface Temperatures

Aug 25, 2023


CINCINNATI -- New CoolSeal Project introduced to decrease asphalt surface temperatures. Paved surfaces such as parking lots, roads, and sidewalks absorb heat during the day and release this heat overnight, creating higher temperatures. This phenomenon is known as the Urban Heat Island effect. The product CoolSeal is a heat reflective coating that can decrease typical asphalt surface temperatures by up to 10-20°F, which can help reduce the Urban Heat Island effect. 

CoolSeal was applied to the parking lot of LeBlond Recreation Center and thermometer readings will be recorded to measure temperature differences. If this project yields successful results, the goal would be to apply CoolSeal to other recreation center parking lots and to expand to various City facility parking lots as well. Initial readings were taken at various locations around LeBlond Recreation Center and TM Berry Friendship Park and the results can be seen here. Updates will be posted to the OES website here.

The City of Phoenix in partnership with Arizona State University started a Cool Pavement Pilot Program by applying CoolSeal on 36 miles of residential roads and one parking lot. Read their full report here.


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