Bike and Walk

While Cincinnati has taken impressive strides in improving bike and pedestrian infrastructure, our journey towards safer and more connected neighborhoods is far from over. In some parts of our city, walking or biking between different neighborhoods remains unsafe. To address this, Cincinnati is committed to supporting public and private investments in trails, bike lanes, and sidewalks that enhance connectivity, ensuring that every resident has equitable access to these vital resources.

RedBike is Cincinnati’s non-profit station-based bike share system. Redbike is a small, local team connecting people to places and each other by providing a low-cost, green transportation option. They partner with communities to improve lives through bikes and are working toward a more just and joyful transportation network by changing how people move. Get involved with Red Bike
Tri-State Trails  

Tri-State Trails is an alliance of community advocates advancing a vision to connect and expand our region’s trail and bikeway network. They believe walking and biking should be safe, accessible and convenient for everyone. By connecting our communities, Tri-State Trails is making Greater Cincinnati a more vibrant place to live, work and play. 

Check out Tri-State Trails.

CROWN Cincinnati

The CROWN is a vision for Cincinnati’s first-ever urban trail loop – a 34-mile, multi-use paved trail that connects our city’s iconic landmarks and hidden gems. Once complete, the walkable, bikeable CROWN loop will connect more than 356,000 people in 54 communities to major destinations like parks, schools, and centers for employment, retail, recreation and entertainment. Learn more about CROWN Cincinnati