
Children and youth spend most of their time for most of the year attending one of the City’s many quality educational institutions. Schools are hubs for much of our community’s life, making them a logical place to implement sustainability efforts. Given the large demands placed on educational institutions, we need to leverage creative partnerships and passive learning opportunities to integrate sustainability more broadly and deeply in our schools. This degree of collaboration can have a transformative impact on our City’s next generation of leaders in a way that inspires them, challenges them, and invites them to find their own role in solutions.

Green Cincinnati Plan Priority Actions

  • Partner with the local Workforce Investment Board, educational institutions, employers, County, State and more to amplify equity-focused, green workforce training and career pathways
  • Continue to grow paid, hands-on learning opportunities and jobs in the green economy with an emphasis on preparing youth and the unemployed and/or difficult to employ for living wage jobs
  • Increase school/environmental org partnerships to grow environmental education and climate justice opportunities at schools, including hands-on outdoor learning spaces like Green Schoolyards, with priority given to schools in priority communities 
  • Support schools to increasingly model sustainable practices inclusive of operations, buildings, fleet, and grounds in alignment with the US Department of Education’s Green Ribbon Schools pillars or similar standards