
Cincinnati has many strong individual and organizational advocates for environmental causes. Some are effective at rallying and equipping residents to speak up for individual policies, while others are trusted, expert sources that guide local leaders toward stronger and more just systems and structures. Greater coordination between advocacy groups could help Cincinnati solve pressing environmental challenges more quickly. Likewise, helping advocates align on priorities would ensure the right challenges are being tackled. With creative and persistent advocacy at the municipal level and beyond, the City has the opportunity to create broadscale change and attract significant resources.

Green Cincinnati Plan Priority Actions

  • Advocate for the passage of a city budget that supports GCP priorities with at least 40% benefiting priority communities
  • Build and present a case for long-term funding mechanisms that drive emissions reductions; reallocate the resources generated to reduce disparate impacts
  • Support codification of climate justice and racial equity in city decision-making mechanisms 
  • Continue to strengthen regional partnerships—like OKI and the Regional Climate Collaborative—to better coordinate, share, and build strategic advantage
  • Increase investment in advocacy, lobbying, grant seeking, and partnership development to increase local receipt of federal/state resources