Take Action - 2023 Green Cincinnati Plan

The Green Cincinnati Plan (GCP) is the City's guiding plan and community vision to address climate change, bolster the environmental resilience of the city and its neighborhoods, and equitably mitigate and repair the impacts of climate change. The previous 2018 plan is being updated for release in spring 2023. Over 1,600 residents participated in 42 public meetings and contributed more than 3,000 ideas through spring, summer, and fall 2022. Most recently, more than 500 responses to Public Comment were received and are under consideration. Thank you to all who have participated thus far! Engagement in the process has included online surveys, joining in-person and virtual meetings, or staying engaged through the Engage Cincinnati Platform and OES newsletter. Thank you in advance for your time, effort, and input.

The Public Comment period is now complete. From here, the Green Cincinnati Plan will be updated to incorporate feedback before heading to Planning Commission and full Council for consideration and hopeful passage. Thanks to the contributions of hundreds of community members, we have a robust plan that is near its final stage of development. The Plan cannot possibly capture all ideas, but we will be diligent to ensure those that give us the best chance to meet our ambitious goals. 

Check this site often and join the OES Newsletter to stay abreast of upcoming engagement opportunities including the Public Launch of the 2023 Green Cincinnati Plan, opportunities to "Champion" parts of the Plan, and more. 





The Engage Cincinnati Platform allows residents to review the progress of the 2023 Green Cincinnati Plan engagement and stay up-to-date on new ways to engage! For selected projects - like Public Comment - the platform’s tools invited online engagement and feedback from community members. Opportunities to engage using this tool will continue following the launch of the final Plan this summer. To stay informed on continued opportunities to contribute to the 2023 GCP, you can sign up for a free account with Cincinnati’s Engage Cincinnati Platform powered by CitizenLab. 

OES periodically sends an electronic newsletter which provides updates and information related to sustainability efforts and issues in Cincinnati. Join the listserve by clicking the OES E-newsletter button above.



Local Impacts of Climate Change

Cincinnati faces rising temperatures and more frequent and severe storms that will only intensify in the coming decades. Learn more about how Cincinnati is impacted by climate change.

Tracking progress

Want to stay up to date with the progress of implementing the 2023 GCP? Check out the ClimateView Dashboard to track our work building a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient city.

Activate the GCP With Us

Are you passionate about creating a sustainable future and combating climate change? Do you represent an organization that shares these values and wants to play a leading role in shaping the future of our city? If so, we invite you to consider applying for the GCP Seeds of Change Grant Program or become a Green Cincinnati Plan Partner. Collaboration is the key!

Commitment to Equity

The Green Cincinnati Plan is committed to equity—with an explicit focus on racial equity. We acknowledge Cincinnati’s demographic makeup and our history of injustices. Learn more about how Cincinnati is centering equity in the implementation of the 2023 Green Cincinnati Plan.