City Operations Transportation

To achieve the decarbonization goals of the GCP, the City must reduce the emissions from its fleet. This involves analyzing the usage patterns of fleet vehicles and eliminating extra vehicles. In addition, the City must begin to electrify its fleet to reduce tailpipe emissions.

The City should also promote policies that reduce vehicle emissions from city employees commuting to work. This can be accomplished by reducing the number of single passenger trips through HR policies and incentives that encourage the use of public transit or other carbon-free sources of transportation.

Green Cincinnati Plan Priority Actions

  • Conduct an electric vehicle (EV) charging needs assessment for city fleet & install necessary infrastructure at city facilities; partner with County at shared facilities
  • Conduct a needs assessment to right-size the city fleet
  • Continue to electrify the city fleet and equipment, including lawn equipment
  • Offer remote work flexibility to reduce commuting
  • Develop HR Incentives for employee use of public transit, biking, & walking