Electrify Cincy

  • Designated Contractor Network
    • We are proud to announce the first group of Electrify Cincy Designated Contractor Network members! The seven contractors listed below are City certified contractors, completed the full, 2 day heat pump training, and are eager to make quality heat pump installations. If you'd like to explore a heat pump (and more) to electrify your building's heating and cooling, these are ideal local businesses to turn to for quotes! Find additional details and contact information for each here
  • Electrify Cincy Ambassadors
    • With the first cohort of Electrify Cincy Ambassadors behind us, we are in the process of transitioning all educational content into dynamic videos. With these videos, we will be able to empower local residents and landlords in new ways so that we can all transition toward living more sustainably in an informed way. Join the OES Newsletter to be sure to stay in the loop with upcoming building electrification leadership opportunities!