Strategic Initiative Execution Teams (SIET)

SIET was created to establish the framework and supporting routines needed for a more proactive, collaborative, and disciplined approach to citywide decision making.

Program Objectives:

  • Identify, document, and communicate the City’s goals & objectives​
  • Prioritize and align resources with our objectives​
  • Drive intentionality and accountability for initiatives most critical to achieving our strategic objectives​
  • Encourage and formalize cross-departmental collaboration for effective problem-solving​
  • Promote informed, coordinated, and efficient decision-making in all levels of city operations


This framework supports the City's five main strategic priorities, and the objectives that help us achieve those goals.

 Excellent & Equitable Service Delivery | Delivering best-in-class services​ to all residents.
 1. People-Centered Leadership
 2. Customer Experience
             3. Data-Driven Culture
             4. Equity-Focused Delivery
             5. Open Dialog with Community

 Public Safety & Health​ | Reducing crime and improve the wellbeing of all residents, communities, and neighborhoods
 1. Violence Reduction
 2. Diversion
             3. Emergency Readiness
             4. Protective Health

 Growing Economic Opportunity​ | Ensuring all residents and businesses have access to the tools they need
 to achieve economic stability & prosperity
 1. Job Mobility​
             2. Racial Wealth Equity​
             3. Business Expansion​
             4. Conducive Infrastructure

 Thriving Neighborhoods​ | Ensuring all residents have access to affordable, clean, resilient, and beautiful neighborhoods
 1. Affordable Housing​
 2. Tenant-Centered Housing​
             3. Climate Resilience​
             4. Desirable Destination

 Fiscal Stability | Ensuring the City plans for long-term financial stability that can support a budget that reflects the needs of the community
 1. Transparent, Collaborative Budgeting
 2. Financial Resilience​
             3. Evaluate Proportional Allocations​
             4. Asset Management



OPDA's team of innovative problem-solvers are dedicated to working with City Departments to improve our services to meet community needs. Learn more about our team here.

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