
Open Data Cincinnati

The City’s data belongs to our citizens and the public, and the City of Cincinnati is committed to providing access to government data to improve services, increase accountability and stimulate economic activity. Designed to promote government accountability and transparency, Open Data Cincinnati provides open, online access to government data. The goal of this initiative is to increase data accessibility, and encourage development of creative tools to engage, serve, and improve Cincinnati neighborhoods and residents’ quality of life.



CincyInsights is an interactive dashboard portal that makes City data visual, conveniently accessible, and user-friendly for all members of the Cincinnati community. The dashboards build on the Open Data Cincinnati Portal to display the data sets in an interactive, visual way to help residents more easily connect with the data.

CincyInsights dashboards are structured around five categories that encompass the City’s priority goals:

Currently, CincyInsights has topics ranging from Fire & Rescue Responses to City Spending. All CincyInsights pages contain fully interactive, automatically updated dashboards.

We encourage data enthusiasts to download data from the Open Data Portal or CincyInsights to create their own visualizations. Please share your work with us by tagging @CincyStat on Twitter.