

CincyStat Overview

CincyStat is a leadership strategy aimed at mobilizing city agencies to produce specific results. Through regular, periodic meetings with agency leadership, CincyStat combines the analytical firepower of the CincyStat shop with agency content experts to solve problems, elevate important issues, and facilitate productivity. This collaborative problem-solving model uses data to creatively discuss performance, identify problems, diagnose causes, and invest resources to solve issues.

Tenets and Purpose:

  • Accurate and timely intelligence shared by all
  • Effective tactics and strategies
  • Rapid deployment of resources
  • Relentless follow-up and assessment

CincyStat Portfolio

The City Manager and Chief Performance Officer strategically chose these departments because of their customer service functions, high-capacity nature, and/or their role in providing certain necessities for daily municipal operations.

Benefits of CincyStat

  • Deep understanding of operations and data, facilitating process transparency and productive communication with the ultimate goal of solving problems.
  • Regular source of ideas for efficiency and innovation
  • Improved performance via discussion, scrutiny, accountability, and follow-up.
  • Establishing flow of information and regular reporting on a detailed level of operations to the executive
  • Familiarity with key personnel through the ranks in city agencies, facilitating both a sense of urgency and culture of continuous process improvement


The City of Cincinnati’s CincyStat program began in 2015 to better manage the performance of city departments and processes. Modeled after CitiStat in Baltimore, CincyStat represents the extended application of the same basic principles to the management of all municipal functions, with the ultimate goal of increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving effective delivery of municipal services to citizens. OPDA has led more than 400 CincyStat meetings to date, spanning 26 departments.

Performance Agreements

Performance Agreements are annual agreements between the City Manager and Department heads outlining target performance for core services and identifying key initiatives. OPDA's team of analysts work with the City's 27 departments to measure performance, evaluate success, and identify potential areas for improvement. These agreements provide a complete picture of Department performance using:

  • Balanced sets of metrics and performance indicators used to regularly evaluate performance
  • Priorities clearly articulated throughout the respective organization
  • Clear, meaningful, targeted results agencies should deliver each year

View the FY20 Performance Agreements here.