Resources for Departments

Is your department or program going to be audited? Do you have a concern or a problem and believe that auditors might be able to help you?

The pages below will help you prepare for your audit, provide information about what auditors will do, and tell you about the services offered by Internal Audit.

Resources for Departments

What To Expect

The thought of an audit makes many people nervous. IA believes that we all share the same goal of delivering services to citizens in the most efficient and productive manner. This page will provide you with information about how we conduct audits and what you should expect.

Preparing for a Successful Audit

Once you know how the audit is conducted, this page will help you collect the materials and information that the auditor will be requesting.

How To Respond to Your Audit

Your department has two weeks to write a response to an audit and your response will be included in the final version of the report. This page describes the information you should include in your report and provides examples of sample responses.

Internal Controls Guidance

This page provides managers with information about how to implement strong internal controls designed to improve program effectiveness and limit potential waste. According to the GAO, internal controls are the component of an "organization's management that provide reasonable assurance that the following objectives are being achieved:

  • effectiveness and efficiency of operations,
  • reliability of financial reporting, and
  • compliance with applicable laws and regulations"

Self-Assessment Audit Guide

This self-assessment audit guide is to assist management in evaluating the current internal controls. The questions are in a “Yes” or “No” format and answering “No” to a question indicates that an issue exists and needs to be addressed immediately to reduce the level of risk.

Services Provided

IA conducts a biannual risk assessment to determine areas most in need of an audit. The department also allots staff time each year to respond to specific requests for assistance. This page details the type of services IA can provide free-of-charge to your department.