Internal Audit Fraud Hotline
Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline: 866-578-2345
Internal Audit maintains a fraud, waste and abuse hotline which allows employees and citizens to safely and anonymously alert the City to this sort of behavior.
Employees calling the hotline are protected under Ordinance No. 468-1987, which prohibits retaliation against employees for whistle blower actions.
If the caller wishes to remain completely anonymous, Internal Audit will collect no data that could be tied to the caller.
When calling the hotline, please provide the following information:
- Details of your concern
- The names of all individuals involved (if possible)
- The dates/times of the incident(s) and where it/they occurred
- Any other information that would assist Internal Audit in the investigation
Please fill out the following form HERE and/or contact the number below to report all Internal Audit concerns.
Internal Audit
801 Plum St. (City Hall), Suite 330
Cincinnati, OH 45202
866-578-2345 (hotline)
Other commonly utilized city telephone numbers:
- City Customer Service: 513-591-6000
- City Human Resources: 513-352-2400
- City Non-Emergency Police: 513-765-1212
*PLEASE NOTE: Under Ohio law, complaint forms or letters may at some time become public records subject to disclosure under the Ohio Public Records Act. Documents that are deemed to be public records are available to the public, including the media, upon request for review, copying, and release.
The hotline and Web reporting tools are not immediate notification devices for the Internal Audit section. Hours of operation are from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. If calling after hours please leave a message and we will return your call during regular business hours.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please notify the Cincinnati Police.
IA does not investigate routine personnel issues such as employee grievances or complaints relating to civil rights and equal employment. These issues are the responsibility of the City's Department of Human Resources.