Audit Committee

Internal Audit reports to the Audit Committee and the City Manager.

The Audit Committee is comprised of up to five independent citizens appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Additionally, a member of the city administration is appointed by the City Manager to act as an ex officio member of the committee.

The Audit Committee reviews the annual audit plan, and at its discretion, approves or modifies the plan. Any modifications are done in consultation with the City Manager. The internal audit work plan serves as a means to enhance the performance of city departments, and city departments are encouraged to utilize the resources of Internal Audit. The Audit Committee also reviews and discusses all internal audit reports where they are then forwarded to the appropriate City Council committee for review.

Audit Committee Members:

  • Norman C. Bouwie III, Chairperson
  • Valarie Boykins
  • Tricia A. Williams
  • Billy Weber, Ex officio