Engage Cincy Action Team (ECAT)
Comprised of Neighborhood representatives and City staff, the Engage Cincy Action Team (ECAT) works to provide opportunities for meaningful and proactive participation in the City’s decision-making processes. Neighborhood representatives both assess and recommend engagement efforts and work collaboratively with City staff to complete annual projects aimed at strengthening the culture of community engagement in Cincinnati.
Neighborhood Representatives
Crystal Dandridge, Avondale, cjdjam@gmail.com
Jenn Dye, Central Business District, jenndye@mac.com
Maureen France, CUF, francem@ucmail.uc.edu
- Carol Gibbs, Mt Auburn, csbgibbs@aol.com
Buddy Goose, Clifton, buddy122650@gmail.com
Ryan James, Clifton, ryanleejames2@gmail.com
Aprina Johnson, Cincinnati, Aprina85@gmail.com
- Gary Robbins, Spring Grove Village, springgrovevillage@gmail.com
- Sharon Sellet, Sayler Park, sharonsellet@aol.com
Mary Singler, CUF, mary.h.singler@gmail.com
Briana Steele, College Hill, Besteele22@gmail.com
- John Stringer, Central Business District, jastringer95@gmail.com
Rodney Thompson, Roselawn, rodneyathompson@yahoo.com
Meetings Dates/Times
Every third Thursday of the month, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Cincinnati City Hall
- Engage in the Development Process Brochure
- Community Budget Request (CBR) process
- Worked with the City’s Department of Human Resources (HR) to create training for ALL City employees to improve engagement with the public
- Collaborated with the Office of Performance & Data Analytics on processes such as the Special Events Portal and Permitting
Neighborhood Leadership Academy: The City of Cincinnati is hosting a Neighborhood Leadership Academy to provide residents with valuable tools and resources for better understanding how city government works and how they can be more engaged with the process. The goal is to equip participants with the knowledge
Accepting New ECAT Members: Interested in learning more? Please visit the Invest in Neighborhoods website. You can also contact Engage.Cincy@cincinnati-oh.gov or Invest@investinneighborhoods.com