Accessibility Board of Advisors
The Cincinnati Accessibility Board of Advisors (CABA) is an advisory group to the City Manager created by City Council on September 2, 2009 via Ordinance No. 239-2009 and amended by Ordinance No. 0101-2017. It consists of eleven members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by Council for two-year terms commencing at the start of odd number years. The majority of CABA must be persons with disabilities.
CABA meets on the third Thursday of the month from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Meetings are open to the public. To request a link to join, please email Tonia Smith, Chief Advocacy Officer for Aging and Accessibility, at or call 513-352-5361.
CABA’s mission is to consider and make recommendations to the City Manager on issues of accessibility for persons with disabilities within the City of Cincinnati with the goal of making Cincinnati more inclusive and accessible.
CABA invites interested residents who have disabilities, immediate family members of persons with disabilities, disability advocates and all residents interested in making a difference in our community to attend a meeting and learn more about the organization.

Accessibility-Related Service Requests
You can report a variety of accessibility-related issues to the City of Cincinnati including broken sidewalks, a crossing without a curb ramp, lack of accessible on street parking, objects blocking the sidewalk, a construction site that did not provide an accessible alternative route, and more. Requests can be made by dialing 311 (or 513-765-1212), downloading the 311Cincy mobile app, or online at