Interim Assistant City Manager John Brazina

John S. Brazina, P.E., is currently serving as Interim Assistant City Manager overseeing the Emergency Communications Center, Human Services, Office of Environment & Sustainability, Transportation & Engineering, and the City's Violence Reduction & Place-based Initiatives portfolio.

Brazina has more than 28 years of transportation infrastructure experience, including 21 years with the City’s Department of Transportation & Engineering.

Brazina has held various positions within DOTE, most recently as Interim Director.

He also has served as Deputy Director, Transit Manager, and Street Improvement and Bicycle Improvement program manager. He has acted as DOTE's Local Project Agency Coordinator for Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) local let projects, served as a DOTE representative on OKI's Intermodal Coordinating Committee (ICC) and held a position on the CODE Board of Directors.

Brazina has worked on a variety of public infrastructure projects during his tenure in DOTE, including the Cincinnati Bell Connector streetcar, the Kennedy Connector and is currently focused on improving pedestrian safety in Cincinnati.

Brazina has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and is a registered professional engineer in Ohio and Kentucky. He is a member of the American Society of Highway Engineers.