Records Retention Schedules

Each department, office, board, and commission request schedules based on the type of record and length of time the record(s) are needed to document their functions. See the Ohio Sunshine Laws Manual. The requests are then reviewed and approved by the City's Records Commission, Ohio Historical Society, and the Auditor of the State of Ohio, in accordance with the Public Records Act of 1972 as revised. When each record has "expired" in accordance to the schedule, the record is removed from City files and either destroyed or appraised for its historic value.

While in the City's possession, all records other than exempted records are available for inspection by the public.

Certified Public Records training is available through the Auditor of the State of Ohio.

The Form RC-5 is a listing of all the records for the City of Cincinnati, including all its departments, offices, boards, and commissions.

The Chair of the City Records Commission is Mollie Lair, City Manager's Office, located at 801 Plum Street Room 117, Cincinnati Ohio 45202. She can be reached by phone at 513-352-3428 or email at