Cure Credit Request Form

Eligibility for a "cure credit"--or a reduction in the civil fine--is determined pursuant to CMC Chapter 1500.  For most cases, you can refer to the face of the civil citation to see if it's marked as "reducible."  If so, the matter is likely eligible for a reduction of the civil fine once the underlying violation is corrected or abated.

For tall grass civil citations issued under CMC Sec. 731-3 Occupied properties may be eligible for a 100% cure credit if there's no prior violation.  In the alternative, properties may be eligible for a 50% cure credit unless there's a prior violation within one year.  In this context, properties are not typically eligible for a cure credit if there's a prior violation within one year.

For most other civil offenses and civil citations:  Properties may be eligible for a 50% cure credit unless there's a prior violation within one year.  Again, properties are not typically eligible for a cure credit if there's a prior violation within one year.

Some civil offenses and civil citations are NOT legally eligible for a cure credit under any circumstance.  This includes violations of CMC Sec. 729-7, CMC Sec. 729-15, CMC Sec. 729-71, CMC Sec. 609-3 and most Police issued civil citations.