Business Training Center
The Business Training Center is to help small, minority, and women-owned businesses build their capacity, and become more marketable so they can compete for contracts with the City of Cincinnati as well as other companies. The Center will offer various training videos to help business owners polish their estimating skills, learn how to put together first-class bid packages, understand the procurement process, and properly complete compliance forms.
You can find out more about our upcoming training sessions by following this link:, or you can view pre-recorded training sessions below:
Pre-recorded Training Sessions:
Joint Venturing and You: When big opportunities abound, don’t let your capacity hold you back. This recorded training session will help you learn what separates joint venturing from subcontracting and mergers, and how you can team up with other business owners to tackle big projects while preserving your independence.
How to Do Business with the City of Cincinnati: SBEs, MBEs, and WBEs who don’t know where to look for City work, have never responded to a formal City contract solicitation, or who have encountered difficulties with the solicitation process are encouraged to attend this class to learn about procurement opportunities with the City and how to navigate the solicitation process. City Purchasing and Economic Inclusion staff explain the differences between ITBs, RFPs, and RFQs, and answer questions about the various forms that must be submitted with a bid or response.
Click the link to view a presentation and examples of properly completed forms: How to Do Business with the City of Cincinnati
Commercial Waste Hauler Franchise Program: Commercial waste collection service providers within city limits must have a waste franchise agreement with the City of Cincinnati. It is a Class D Civil Offence under CMC Chapter 730 to provide commercial waste collection services in Cincinnati without a franchise from the City. Watch this training video to find out how the program works and how your business can participate.
Making City Certification Work For You: Economic Inclusion staff provides an overview of the City’s various certification programs, their eligibility requirements, the distinct advantages of each certification type, and the obligations and responsibilities of certified firms.
Post-Award: Compliance Requirements For Construction Projects: Congratulations! Your company has just been awarded a City contract. This video will help you understand what compliance requirements you will need to meet throughout the life of the project and how you can avoid fines and penalties.