Public Records Request


The Cincinnati Health Department adheres to all Ohio Public Records Laws.

It is the policy of the City of Cincinnati that all non-exempt public records are to be promptly and reasonably made available, upon request, for inspection or copying to any person at all reasonable times during regular business hours.

Making a Public Records Request

Your request for Health Department records can be verbal or in writing to obtain non-exempt public records. If you have questions concerning a request for Health public records, please contact CHD Media at 513-357-7281 or

You also have the option to submit your request through the City's public record platform GovQA. GovQa will allow the City to efficiently track and respond to public records requests.  You can submit a request anonymously or by creating an account.  If you create an account, you can log in at any time and see the status of your requests. 

For more information, click GovQA Records Request System      

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