Did you receive a postcard or door hanger about the CASPER Survey?
Please click here to take the survey.
You will need your
Region, Cluster and Site numbers from your postcard/ door hanger to take the survey.

The Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) is a survey technique designed to provide and collect household based information about a community. 

Due to a state mandate, the Cincinnati Health Department conducts Community Health Assessments (CHAs) every three years. A CHA is a systematic review of the health issues, needs and priorities of a jurisdiction.  Reaching the residents of Cincinnati to get input directly from them is an essential part of the Cincinnati CHA. 

In June and July, the health department and its volunteers conducted an anonymous door-to-door survey in Cincinnati neighborhoods (using a method of random sampling of households). Throughout the rest of the 2018 summer we will be sending postcards to reach additional citizens.

We collect information from a sampling of neighborhoods to ensure representation of City residents, their health status, needs, and priorities.

For questions and verification, please call 513-564-1146 during the survey times shown on your postcard/ door hanger.

Please participate if you are able – your perspective on health is incredibly valuable.

To view the past Community Health Needs Assessment, click here.

To learn more about the CASPER, click here.

This project is powered by volunteers, health department employees and grant funds from ODH.