Food Businesses and Licensing


*** Food service operations (FSO) and retail food establishment (RFE) licenses issued before December 2nd, 2024 will expire on March 3rd, 2025. To continue operating and to avoid incurring a 25% penalty fee after this date, you must renew on or before the expiration date.  To renew your license go to ezTrak at and create an ezTrak user account if you don't already have one. For more information on ezTrak and the new license renewal process, click HERE


The Cincinnati Health Department licenses and inspects businesses that meet the definition of a food service operation or retail food establishment and are located within the City of Cincinnati limits. Food licenses are renewed annually, and expire on March 1st of every year. License renewal forms are generally mailed out in January or February to current license holders. For mobile food licensing, click here. For temporary food licensing, click here. For a guide to opening a new food business in the City of Cincinnati, click here.

A food service operation is a facility where food intended to be served in individual portions is prepared or served for a charge or required donation. These businesses include restaurants, bars, delis, coffee shops, concession stands, buffets, some commercial kitchens, schools, and some childcare providers.

A retail food establishment is a facility where food is stored, processed, prepared, manufactured, or otherwise held or handled for retail sale. These businesses include grocery stores, bakeries, convenience stores, micro-markets, and vending machines.

Food Facility Reviews

All new food facilities (new construction or existing building) and many currently licensed facilities undergoing/implementing changes to equipment, physical facility layout, menu or cooking processes are required to submit and have approved a food facility review. For new food facilities, the food facility review is the first step in obtaining a food service license - in most cases, a food service license can only be issued if a food facility review application has been submitted and approved.  For currently licensed facilities, the food facility review submission and approval is required BEFORE implementing most changes to the food facility. 

Food Facility Review Steps:

  1. Download - Food facility review application
  2. Application - Submit (by mail or in person) the application, supporting documents (menu, equipment specifications, full-size scaled drawings, etc) listed in the application, and the plan review fee (either $400 or $200 depending on type of facility) to:  Cincinnati Health Department c/o Building Department Permit Center, 805 Central Ave, 5th Floor, Cincinnati, OH 45202. These cannot be submitted digitally.
  3. Review - Health Department personnel will contact you within 30 days with questions about your application, and/or to approve the application. No work should begin and no equipment should be purchased until application has been approved. NOTE: Often, associated plumbing permits will not be issued until the food facility review has been approved.
  4. Inspection/Licensing -
    • New, unlicensed facilities (new construction or existing buildings) - an in-person licensing inspection can generally be completed by Health Department personnel once a food facility review has been approved, construction is complete, all trade inspections have been completed & occupancy has been granted, and the space is virtually customer ready. If Cincinnati Health Department personnel determine the space is suitable for licensing at the in-person licensing inspection, a license fee will be collected and the facility may be authorized for operation immediately. Food license fees effective March 1, 2025 coming soon.
    • Currently licensed facilities (NOT including those under new ownership) - an in-person inspection is required after food facility review approval and before newly installed equipment or facilities additions are used or other operation changes are implemented for public use.


New Owners of Existing, Licensed Food Facilities

Food licenses are NOT transferable - upon ownership change, any existing food service or retail food establishment license must be closed out and issued in a new owner's name. Many new owners will also be required to submit a food facility review application before a new license can be issued.  Prospective new owners of existing food facilities should contact the Food Safety and Inspections Office well before the ownership change takes affect to make sure their new business is properly licensed.


For questions about your license renewal, to update information, to report a closed facility, or for help with ezTrak please contact the Cincinnati Health Department Food Safety Office at 513-564-1751 or email at